Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Alive. IT'S ALIVE! October finally awakens from it's slumber: October Thought Day 1

It's funny. Most times I only get October fever a few months out. This year, October has snuck around corners and ambushed me the entire year through. It was not content to sit idly by while Easter had its pageantry or July its sizzle. October popped up in my Christmas decorations, summer leisure time and for my birthday. I gleefully broke one of my own cardinal rules and bought October goodies out of season simply because I couldn't take the pressure any more. I ate pumpkiny things in August and September and didn't feel a bit guilty about it. I bought a sparkly skull in July and didn't bat an eyelash. And speaking of bats, I bought some funky lace with bat cut outs in March. Gasp.

For months I have been thinking of what I will say for my first October Thought. I have written and rewritten and written some more. Sometimes in my head, sometimes on bits of napkin, coupons or errant post its. For a moment or two I flirted with the idea of writing all of this years thoughts early and just posting them with a few add ons as the days progressed. But I decided that would be cheating and restrained myself. (See, I do have some will power.) But now, it is here. Oh wonder of wonders, oh rapturous joy it is finally here. The decorations have been unleashed and the song and movie lists readied. The hammock is set up on the back porch and I have a pile of accumulated October magazines to peruse as I swing gently under the watchful gaze of a gangly mummy, a cheerful floppy candy corn and a filmy pumpkin specter. If I could at some point will a decaf pumpkin latte into my hand, things would be near perfect and this is only day one.

If you are new to the October Thoughts or OT as all the cool kids call it, here is a brief instruction guide. For those of you who are old hands, just hum Monster Mash quietly to yourself and then skip the next two paragraphs.

It started back in the early 2000's, I met a kindred soul who loved October as much as myself. I didn't think such a thing was possible or that such a person existed. Surely I was the only one weird enough to love the red headed step child that is the month of October. Yes, people like pretty leaves, and yes some people get a little worked up about Halloween, but love for a whole month? But she did and of course we became friends. AND THEN........I found out that she, wonderful wordsmith that she is, wrote a segment each year about how wonderful October was to her. I read it with great delight for years and one day it hit me, duh, I can write too. So I asked for her permission to write some October Thoughts of my own. Being the wonderful woman that she is, she agreed. She inspires me continually and makes me feel less crazy for devoting whole pages of prose to my love for candy corn and spangly holiday socks. You all enjoy my thoughts (at least I hope so) because this intrepid pioneer first paved the way. So thank you Kristen G. for allowing the world to have two October Thoughts a year. It turns out October is big enough for the both of us.

For the next 31 days you will be treated to my ramblings about why I love the month of October so very much. There will be scary bits, bits about literature, rants about how Christmas decor is trying to invade, and reasons why October should annex the mostly worthless month of November (sorry November babies, I still love you, you were just born in October adjacent). I will most likely talk about breakfast cereals, leaves and Halloween just to name a few. But each year I find something new to say and each idea is written on the day about whatever October wonderment pops into my head. I am a creature of the night, so each posting will most likely be written in the wee hours of the morning. While I slide off to visit dreamland, you will all wake up to a new October Thought. They will each have a title for the day and a number so you can keep things straight. Feel free to comment and write a bit of October love yourself. If you don't like what you read, or if you find excessive October gushing is not for you, you can excuse yourself from the group at any time no questions asked or feelings hurt. I promise. Most of you have expressed an interest in following my ramblings, and a few I have thrown into the group because I think you will like what I have to say. But I know that not everyone is as enthusiastic about October as I am. I also tend to be very wordy, so October Thoughts might run for a few pages rather than a few sentences. So if you are not overly fond of reading, OT's may not be for you. Otherwise, make sure you have a good cup of cider or some pumpkin scones to munch on while you peruse. I wouldn't want anyone to faint from hunger whilst reading.

For the first day I always try to give some sort of summary about why I love the month of October so very much. I fail miserably each year, and invariably what I wrote in my head months ago, but never actually set to paper is a thousand times better that what I will write today, but woulda, coulda, shoulda. What are ya gonna do. Soooooo, here is my encapsulation of the greatness of October for this year.

In October I fully come alive. Not to say that I am a sleepwalking zombie the other eleven months, but there is something about this month that revives me. Perhaps I get a jolt of electricity from Dr. Frankenstein. Or maybe I am Mr. Hyde come out to play, but minus the sloppy murdery bits. I love both the scary aspect and the sublime. I get caught up in the whirl and frenzy of Halloween, but at the same time I am content to sit by the fireside and watch the fog roll in. October is all about imagination. It is like a kaleidoscope of amazingness. It continually shifts and changes and brings forth one wonderful surprise after another. For every scary thing, there is a sweet. For every sinister shiver, there is a beautiful delight. October is like the phoenix both rising from the ashes and at once returning to them. It bursts upon the calendar like a firework and trails off into the dying year like a wisp of sweetly smelling smoke. Change your perspective but a little and October will show you something new.

October is a gateway month. A Janus, but with more than two faces. I like to think of it as my January, February, November and December all in one. It is the best part of summer but without the heat. October is when I feel the call to look back on my life and examine. Why wait until a new year. It is the month where I fall in love with just about every thing around me. Sights, sounds, feelings, smells, I revel in each one. Who needs the yucky love month that is coated in pink. October is also when I am most thankful. There is so much around me. So much good flooding in that I almost can't take it all. But the best part of October is that there is no pressure to perform. No fancy dinners to throw for family, no gifts to get, no hustle or bustle. October just lets you be. You can while away the hours with a spooky book or you can sit contentedly and watch as a leaf floats to earth. You can be as boisterous or creative as you want. Throw a party, or don't. Take a destination vacation or stay at home wrapped in a fluffy blanket. October lets you plan your own adventure. October is comfort food for the soul.

Simply stated, October is magical. I don't know what else to call it. No other month fills me with such a sense of possibility. For 31-derful days I have a star in the palm of my hand. I can use the night like a cloak and the falling leaves for a dazzling multi hewed gown. Fog is my red carpet to stroll and the owl my herald. October runs rampant in my blood, which I think looks a bit like the color of candy corn.

To me, October is full of wonder, mystery and beauty. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. For 31 days we shall travel this wondrous month together and discover the joys that it has in store. Onward to October!

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