Sunday, October 16, 2016

October Thought Day 17: Make Time for the Wonder

I feel like I haven’t adequately been describing October and the awe it fills me with. Sure I’ve talked about the scary stuff and some of the beauty, but it’s the little things that take my breath away.

A few days ago I drove behind a car on a leaf strewn road. No big thing this time of year, that particular scenario can be almost anywhere; but I almost stopped in the road from the beauty of it. The sun was hitting the golden leaves juuuuust right and they glowed and were downright dazzling. As the car passed over them they were whipped into the air in a frenzy, blowing hither and thither and getting caught in the swirls of exhaust. They were dancing and I was the lucky spectator. It was a right time, right place moment and I wanted to pull over and park and watch other motorists stir up the leaves. And the sound the leaves made as they danced; it was a crackle and whisper at the same time.

But it isn’t just the leaves that hold my attention; the moon has been especially wonderful this month. Most nights it is surrounded by this lazy hazy glow. It looks like it has a gauze web pulled over itself like a shawl, perhaps to ward off the nightly chill. A few nights ago it was big and full and beautiful, a lush celestial temptress. A handful of nights it has taken on this wonderful orange tinge which is my favorite kind of moon. I’m sure there is some sort of scientific explanation and name for this phenomenon, but I call it an October moon. Last night was the Hunter’s Moon and that simply meant that the gorgeous orb was bigger and brighter than normal. I laid out on the concrete with my blanket and just stared. The stars twinkled like diamonds in the velvet black expanse of sky and the weather was perfect.  

Even the weather is cooperating this year. Today the sky was overcast yet still sunny and it looked cold but felt lovely. There was a soft autumnal breeze gently riffling the air and the temperature was like a warm bath. It was perfect and if I could bottle it up and keep it in a jar I would do it in a heartbeat. Imagine being able to do something like that, having a mason jar that held inside it a perfect October day. You could twist the lid and close your eyes and be transported to the most wonderful feeling. I suppose it’s a good thing that we can’t bottle Octobers, it makes those special moments all the more precious when we do stumble upon them.

So, your challenge for today is to find an October moment in the hustle and bustle of a busy Monday. Breathe it in and experience the wonder. You won’t be sorry.

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