Thursday, October 6, 2016

October Thought Day 7: There’s Probably a Support Group for That

Hello everyone, my name is Rebecca and I’m an unrepentant Pumpkin Spice addict. I didn’t realize how bad the problem was until last year. I thought about it, drank more of my Pumpkin Spice Latte and came to the conclusion that I could stop anytime I wanted to…..and I didn’t want to.

This year I made myself the halfhearted promise that I would purchase less pumpkin spice everything and thereby be less of a cliché. That lasted for about two seconds. Here is my list so far.

  1. Pumpkin spice oatmeal (I thought I hated it last year but wanted to give it another try. It is really good and it came in a two pack.)
  2. Pumpkin spice lattes (I’ve already drank my body weight in them and the month has only just started.)
  3. Pumpkin pie spice ice cream (I was first in line the day it came out. I think I’ve had 3 scoops so far.)
  4. Trader Joe’s harvest blend tea (Just came today and I plan to have some after dinner. Is it weird that I sat down on the floor and sniffed the box for a super long time?)
  5. Pumpkin spice pop tarts (I had to scour the earth to find them and even then it was hard getting them here. I’m thinking of having them bronzed so I can enjoy them year round.)
  6. Pumpkin spice kettle corn (I haven’t tried it yet. Kinda scared to. But I was brave enough to eat  the candy corn popcorn last year and it was good.)
  7. Pumpkin spice cupcakes (I’m hoping they taste as good as they look. I’m saving them to go with the tea.)
  8. Pumpkin spice nog (This entry will get its very own October Thought at a later date.)
  9. Pumpkin spice tea from Trader Joe’s (Which it turns out I already owned a tin of. Oh well, it’s so good I don’t mind at all.)
  10. Pumpkin spice Mini Wheat Cereal (Surprisingly decent for how sketchy it looked.)
  11. Trader Joe’s pumpkin panettone (No, I’m not sharing. It’s sooooo good. Like pumpkin fruitcake. Mmmm fruitcake.)
  12. Pumpkin spice Life Cereal (Good, but gets soggy really fast. Perhaps it would go better in a puppy chow type mix.)
  13. Pumpkin spice Special K Cereal (I’ve been too busy with the other cereals to get to it, maybe tomorrow with some pumpkin tea.)
  14. Pumpkin spice pudding (I’m also scared to try this because it seems someone told me it was really awful, but I’ll count it as an adventure for another day.)
  15. Pumpkin spice whipped cream (Is it wrong to want to eat it straight from the can? I didn’t think so.)
  16. Pumpkin spice cocoa (Which I already owned, but it still bears mentioning.)
The only pumpkin spice things I haven’t bought are Cheerios, Oreos, Pancakes, Twinkies and Kisses. And I won’t be buying any of them ever. I hate all pancakes except for blueberry and I have to really be in the mood to eat those. The Twinkies just sound awful and they look even worse. I don’t like Oreos, the Kisses didn’t really float my boat last year and since I ate Cheerios almost every morning for breakfast until I was 12 I vowed never to eat them again, pumpkin spice or no.

I‘ve heard a rumor that there is pumpkin spice toilet paper, but even I have my limits and I really didn’t want to look to close into that story. Short of the aforementioned products if I were to see a pumpkin spiced something I would probably buy it or at least give it serious consideration. I already have pumpkin spice candles and I’m burning one as I type. Yup, I’m a pumpkin spice addict. I suppose there could be worse things. And oddly enough, the mania totally wears off the minute it hits November. It’s like magic. The only pumpkin things I want in November are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin pie, otherwise, bring on the cider. I’m pretty sure this time of year my blood actually runs orange.

The only pumpkin spice thing I haven’t gotten around to yet is the Jamba Juice Pumpkin Smash. I even like saying the name. It reminds me of the Hulk, but orange. Rebecca want Pumpkin SMASH. SMASH. Mmmm, pumpkin. Hee hee. One of these days I will make it the 45 miles to the store to get one, or two, or three. You know, for secret drinking later. It’s good to have goals.

So, what’s your favorite pumpkin or pumpkin spice thing? Also, did I miss anything?

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