Sunday, October 30, 2016

October Thoughts Day 31: All Good Things Must Come to an End

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here, today is Halloween! These 31 days have gone by in a flash, and yet at the same time it feels like they have taken forever. I suppose that is how you know it has been a good month. This October wasn’t anything like I expected it to be and I still don’t know how I feel about that but time marches on. I have a few things on my October bucket list to cross off and a whole glorious day to do it in.

It has been fun seeing people in costumes early and hearing about all the festivities, but nothing can take away the splendor that is Halloween night. I have my candy platter at the ready in case any trick-or-treaters get lost and accidentally end up at my house. The decorations are all in place and the things that light up have been lit.

October gave me a wonderful surprise last evening. I got to sit out on the porch and watch a massive fog bank roll in. In mere minutes it had engulfed the house and was so dense that it disrupted the satellite feed on the TV. After the fog came a hard rain that sounded like it would beat through the roof. It was quite a treat. Hopefully this inclement weather system has worked itself out so this evening will be clear and bright. I always hated wet Halloweens. Trick-or-treating is no fun if you have to wear your rain gear. It defeats the purpose of having a marvelous costume.

I hope you have enjoyed the thoughts this year, they weren’t totally up to par, but I hope you found them entertaining nonetheless. I hope this October found you well and blessed, so much so that you can ride on the coattails of all that feel good straight into Thanksgiving.

Soon the magic of October will be boxed up and set upon the cosmic shelf for another year. The easygoing ways we have come to love will be replaced with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season as the old year slowly fades to make room for the new. So then, the challenge for today is to enjoy the remainder of October to the fullest. Bob for apples, finally pay a visit to that corn maze, wear a crazy costume, pass out candy, go on a hayride, drink come cider or eat pumpkin spice something. Make merry till the clock strikes twelve and your carriage once again turns into a pumpkin. Once you are tucked away safely at home and after you check under your bed for monsters looking to steal your candy, snuggle down in bed and make a list of all the things you were thankful for in this most wondrous of months. Hold on to that list and those feelings as you move into November and beyond. Consider it a belated October gift to yourself. Now quit reading and go out there and carpe some diem.

Happy October everyone and Happy Halloween!

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