Monday, October 17, 2016

October Thought Day 18: Giving You a Case of the Creepy Crawlies

I spent a good part of the day doing my best sleeping beauty impersonation. Turns out I am rather fabulous at it, and no princes came in case you were wondering. But when I wasn’t catching forty winks I was of course watching more October movies. The primary film of choice today was Arachnophobia. I’ve wanted to see it since it first came out in 1990 but never got around to it. To my delight it proved just as campy and ridiculous as I had hoped it would be. Not having a fear of spiders I was more tickled than afraid, though there was one bit that did make my skin crawl. In order for you not to have nightmares I won’t share what it was; you’re welcome.

After the movie was done I had a good laugh and vowed to always check my slippers before putting my feet into them, then I popped in a new creepy film. But then a funny thing happened a small black spider suddenly appeared. I watched him scuttle around on the ceiling for a while then climb down my bookcase. He disappeared from sight and I didn’t give it another thought until he showed up on my leg. I think he had been there quite some time before I actually looked because I’d felt a tickle off and on but paid it no mind. I flicked him off and went back to watching the movie, but then a little while later he showed up on the back of my hand. How he did that without me seeing I have no clue. So I flicked him off again and forgot about him till he showed up on my shoulder. After flicking him a third time in mild irritation then watching him crawl under my bed I remained hyper vigilant for the remainder of the day, so of course no spider showed himself until just before I started writing this.

My little arachnid friend reappeared on the wall next to my bed and brought a friend who was biding his time next to the water glass on my night stand. He was a persistent little fellow I’ll give him that. He and his cohort were probably trying to get my attention so they could give me an idea for my next October Thought. Notice I say were. Buy now I had had enough so both of them got squished. Usually I leave spiders alone so they can take care of all the other pests, but I’m pretty sure these two were waiting till I went to sleep so they could do a spider dance on my nose and take selfies and I wasn’t about to let that happen.

I feel bad for squishing them and I hope they didn’t have any spider cousins who witnessed the massacre and are now plotting revenge as soon as I close my eyes. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, send help and tell my rescuers to look for a big cocoon in the corner of my room.

The moral of the story is, if you watch a movie about spiders, it will somehow summon them to your bedroom, so plan ahead and watch with Raid. Sleep tight ;)

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