Friday, October 7, 2016

October Thought Day 8: Nearly Perfection

It wasn’t a perfect October day, but it certainly had the makings of one. The morning was golden with slight wisps of fog in the valley. Not the great curling tendrils that I love, but slim fingers twisting here and there through the trees. I look forward to a real smothering of fog later in the month. A girl can dream. I want a nice fog blanket to wrap myself in. Speaking of which, since I had nothing pressing on my schedule, I curled up in the warm pocket of my bed and went back to watching the suns golden rays creep across the floor. I was so content in fact that I drifted back to sleep and was only awoken when the delivery truck came and dropped off a long awaited package. What a treat to wake up to.

I felt a little stronger today and was finally able to get the last of the decorations put up. I can’t tell you how happy I was to have everything finally in its place. When I wasn’t sitting and staring at sunshine, I was wandering the house admiring all my unpacked fall friends. Now that they are up I feel like I can get down to really enjoying the season full throttle, which is precisely what I did. I watched two scary movies back to back and had a ball. I was sorry when they were over, but that simply left me with more time to read some of my October books. One of which arrived in the mail quite ahead of schedule. Another October treat.

As night fell, the evening had that special October feel to it, the kind where the sky is ink dark and brimming with possibility. It feels like October evenings are blacker than regular months. I don’t know why. It is like they are wrapped in velvet. Maybe it has to do with the sudden temperature changes. Maybe it is because we are so used to blazing summer sun that when it starts to get dark earlier it just seems darker. I don’t know, but I love it.

Now I sit curled up on the couch with a candle burning merrily nearby and a cup of my new tea to hand. I have the window open and am listening to the throaty roar of the wind dashing itself against the house. It was the simple pleasures today and that suited me just fine.

My challenge to you this weekend, stop, even if all you can manage is for five minutes and just be. Feel the sunlight on your face. Smell the spicy air. Let the wind blow through your hair. Breathe it all in and enjoy. I know I will.

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