Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October Thought Day 27: Sweet Nostalgia

My favorite thing about Halloween when I was little was the candy….ok, my first favorite thing was the costume, but my hands down second favorite thing was the candy. My dad and I plotted and schemed and did dry runs through neighborhoods to see how we could maximize our sugar gathering potential. One year I came away with three pillowcases full, it was marvelous. There was nothing as satisfying as sorting it all out at the end of the night and divvying it up. The popcorn balls, apples, raisins and stickers all got shoved to the side and then I got down to the good stuff. My parents never exacted a candy tax; and even if they had I thought it was only fair to share, and by share I meant that I kept the good stuff and gave them the left overs. No, I wasn’t that bad, I gave them some of the good stuff too.
It actually worked out really well. For the most part, the stuff I kept they didn’t like and the stuff I gave away was their favorites. I can’t remember what my favorites were; probably the mini candy bars and the Reese’s, maybe the Dots oh and Tootsie Rolls, definitely Tootsie Rolls. I got to eat a few pieces that night and then it all went in a bowl that was put on top of the refrigerator. After that I got one piece after dinner each night or as a treat at other times, at least that was their understanding of the system, I never let on that I devised a method of reaching the bowl and helping myself and I never took enough to raise suspicions. I think I would have gotten in more trouble telling them how I got the candy than the actual eating of the candy. Most years it lasted almost until the following Halloween.
Now that I am an adult I miss trick-or-treating. I miss the strategy sessions and the mission impossible type feats of getting to the candy bowl. Being able to buy my own bag in the store doesn’t have the same appeal and walking to the cashier and yelling trick or treat just gets me weird looks. I liked having to “work” for it by going around the neighborhood. It somehow tasted better that way, more satisfying.
Now that I’m on the purchasing end of the spectrum I can observe the holiday from a different perspective and get mad at the unseasonably early marketing ploys. It was late July when the first Halloween candy aisle got put up at my local store. That is way too early. Even August is way too early. There is no reason Halloween candy can’t come out in October. But of course that messes with their marketing. You buy the candy in July/August, you eat the candy in July/August and then you have to buy more in September…..which leads to eating in September which makes for another grocery run in October. I get it, but I hate rushing things. Like now, Halloween is still four days away and we haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving and they are selling Christmas candy and trees. Sigh.
But we can’t end a candy post on a sour note, so here is some trivia for you to munch on. On average according to the all wise and knowledgeable internet, Americans spend about $44 on candy each year or 2.1 billion on candy total. Imagine what would happen if we all kicked in our candy money for one year, think of the national bills we could pay. Treat indeed. The top five candies are candy corn, Snickers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit-Kats and m&m’s, which sounds about right to me.
So what is your favorite candy? What are the most trick-or-treaters you’ve ever had? Do you prefer giving candy or getting it?

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