Saturday, October 15, 2016

October Thought Day 16: Would You Rather Part 2

Because I have more in common with Rip Van Winkle today, you get another Would You Rather, with a twist.

1)      Eat hair soup or a slimy booger cupcake?
Um, neither. I’m gagging just thinking about these options. I supposed I’d pick the hair soup, but if the boogers….nope, nope I can’t even type it. Next question.

2)      Have to trick-or-treat forever or live in a haunted house forever?
Does the haunted house have cable and electricity? Can I get food delivered? Are the haunted bits more like Casper than the Shining? Cuz if it’s Casper and cable then I’m all for the haunted house. But if it’s run down and spooky then I had better pick the trick-or-treat option cuz I’m gonna need food somehow. Unless I’m a ghost. Am I a ghost? Wait, trick-or-treating doesn’t happen all day long. I could live my life and then go out at night to get candy. But is it Halloween every night or am I randomly going to people’s houses on say Christmas or a Tuesday? Cuz that’d be weird. Ok, haunted house it is. Hmmm, that’s not how I thought I’d answer that question.

3)      While trick-or-treating get only candy corn and Smarties or only raisins and Dots?
Man, that’s tough. I’m gonna go with raisins and Dots. Again, not how I thought I would be answering that question.

4)      Have a black cat cross your path or walk under a ladder?
Black cat. I haven’t met a midnight kitty yet that I don’t want to immediately cuddle. Walking under ladders is just weird and dangerous.

5)      Go on a date with a vampire or the Frankenstein monster?
That’s a tough one. I love Franky, but I don’t think he’d be much of a conversationalist. On the other hand, Vlad would talk and talk but I fear I might be what’s on the menu. Better stick with Franky.

6)      Spooky or cute?
Depends on my mood. Right now I’m gonna go with spooky. No surprise there.

7)      Dark and stormy night or crisp clear fall day?
Again, it depends, but I’m gonna go with dark and stormy at the moment. You’re all shocked I know.

Well, that was short I thought there would be more questions I could find. It seems October would you rather isn’t as popular as I had thought. Here are some other random questions that I found.

8)      What is your favorite Halloween themed song?
Oooh, that’s hard. It’s a five way tie between Warren Zevon’s Werewolves of London, Sam the Sham’s Little Red Riding Hood, the Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Thriller, and Van Morrison’s Moondance. I can’t pick just one, I can’t. Oh my goodness, MONSTER MASH. It has to be Monster Mash. How could I forget?

9)      Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building. Um, I’m gonna go with “What is a monster that is bent on eating me for $500 Alex.” Anything that wishes me harm, be it man or beast I don’t want to run into it. Oooh an even better answer, a figment of my imagination. I have a pretty healthy imagination; I wouldn’t want to run into anything that I can conjure up. But wait, it would be a figment and therefore could not hurt me. I’m going back to my original answer.

10)   Are you superstitious?
Not really. But would I really tell you if I was ;)

11)   Do you prefer gore or thrillers?
Thrillers. It is much scarier to make one think. Gore is unnecessary. Sure, it’s horrible, but look at Rear Window, Psycho, Buried, or Jaws. Not lots of gore or any at all and they still shock and scare. Gore is the cheap way out and I’m not impressed.

12)   Ever made of potion of any sort?
Yup. I decided to make a concoction out of flour, water, baking soda, sugar and crackers in my grandfather’s microwave while he was out running errands. I had back smoke pouring out of the kitchen and I melted the plastic plate I was cooking it in. I’m not sure what kind of potion I was going for, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t have the intended effect and I was banned from using the microwave.

13)   If you got trapped in one scary movie which would you choose?
Ha ha ha, Casper. Hey, the question didn’t stipulate that I had to find the movie scary. I’m sure someone was scared of Casper.

14)   In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?
My mind…..or a really big knife. Unless I can choose a gun with an unlimited supply of bullets. Then I choose that. I’m more of a fortified bunker kind of gal.

15)   Are you the one who gets scared or the one who does the scaring?
Heh heh, what do you think ;)

16)   How old were you when you saw your first scary movie?
6? It was pretty young, and I really shouldn’t have seen it. The same goes for the one that I snuck and watched when I was 9. Lifelong irrational phobias let me tell you.

17)   If you could have a spooky Halloween pet, what would it be?
It’s a tie between a bat, a raven or a wolf. I would pick a black cat but they aren’t scary and neither are owls. Not many people have pet bats. I pick a talking bat.

18)   What was your first Halloween costume?
The first one I had was a bunny. The first one I remember was a horrible hand-me-down clown costume that I wore for years and hated with a fiery passion. The first one I had any say on was a flapper. Man I loved that fringe dress.

19)   Orange and black or purple and green?
O and B all the way. Nothing beats the original.

20)   If you were in a horror movie, are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one or the killer?
 I’ll let you decide. Mwahahahahah

Ok, your turn. I can’t wait to hear your answers.

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