Friday, October 14, 2016

October Thoughts Day 15: Unexpected Magic

There comes a time in my October Thoughts, sometimes multiple times, where I panic. I have no idea what to write and then I start to question why it is that I even write at all. After all, who really cares that I love the tenth month of the year so much? Who really wants to read a mini novel every day while I go on and on about some Octobery nonsense? But then something happens, it always does, that inspires me or reminds me why I write. Today was no different and it is fitting that it should happen at the halfway mark of the month. I can’t believe that after today we start on the downhill portion of October. I can already feel it beginning to pick up speed and zoom toward November; but I won’t let that happen, not quite yet.

I wasn’t feeling especially great today; which always promotes self-doubt and stifles the creative juices,   but then the mail came and with it a special unexpected delivery. I got a box. A special October box and it made all the difference in the world.
I looked at the box in my hands and was both excited and the same time sad. It was a Schrodinger’s Cat kind of situation. I desperately wanted to open the box; I needed a pick-me-up, but once I did the box would be open and I could no longer spend time guessing what was inside. So I set the box down and took a nap. After I woke up I watched a favorite spooky movie. Then my thoughts returned to the box. I gently jiggled it to try and guess the contents. I put it back down and went to eat dinner. Finally my curiosity got the better of me and I opened the box. Inside was a perfect representation of October. There were scary things, cute things, yummy things, homemade things and everything in-between. It was like a clown car of October goodness spilling forth with each layer uncovering some new treasure.  

After opening it and examining everything multiple times, I sat on the floor with my goodies surrounding me and I got to thinking, aside from being sick, this was a perfect October day and not just because of the box. The sky had been dark and threatening, just the way I like it. The clouds were in all sorts of shapes and formations. Some looked like alien invasion clouds; you know the kind, the ones that roil and froth right before the alien ship bursts forth from the atmosphere. Then there were the clouds that looked more like something Dorothy would have seen in Kansas on her way to Oz. It even rained a little and there is promise of more to come.
I got to relax and enjoy a few of my special October movies. It always amazes me how underrated the cinematography, make-up and special effects are in scary movies. Turn off the sound if you have to, but really, watch the camera work on some of them. The beauty and creativity is stunning. No wonder so many people get their start in the horror genre. It might be considered low rent and it won’t win any Oscars, but there is real artistry to see in some of those films. I promise.

In addition to movie watching I got to finish another of my October books and begin a new one. Both have highly creative premises and are/were quite entertaining. One so far has spooked me so good that I had nightmares of a sort, they weren’t scary per say, but my poor brain simply couldn’t stop digesting what I had read. It made for some interesting dreams let me tell you. But that’s half the fun.
I also got to lose myself in some of my October music and while online today I found a black and orange lava lamp for sale. It will show up in my mailbox on Tuesday and I can’t wait to while away the hours watching it ooze and glide. I really don’t know how I’ve gone so long without owning one in the first place.

Thanks to my surprise box, tomorrow I have decorations galore to place in new homes. But for now I will be content to sit back and watch another of my October movies and enjoy the days as they come.
So why do I share all of this with you? When you love something you can’t help but gush about it. You want others to see it the way you do and enjoy it with you. I realize that not everything about October will be everyone’s cup of tea, or even cocoa, but just for a few minutes a day I can take you on a journey to see it through my eyes. Maybe you will find your own wonder. Maybe it will cause you to see things a bit differently than you did before. Perhaps all you will get out of it is the fact that a grown woman still gets the giggles over haunted houses and screaming door mats and you are way more mature than she is. Whatever the case I hope a little of my October joy finds you and adds an extra sparkle to your day.

Thank you for sticking with me and for letting me share my October thoughts with you.

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