Monday, October 3, 2016

October Thought Day 4: I Wasn’t Going To…

I wasn’t going to do it. This year I was going to refrain from writing about my decorations. I had firm intentions to sit back and enjoy them and keep it all to myself. But then I got mono and that idea went right out the window.

I had planned to have the decorations up no later than the 25th of September. Here it is the 4th of October and they are still waiting to go up. When you barely have the energy to sit upright, putting twenty some odd boxes of decorations where they need to go can seem like climbing Everest. Every day I put a few more things where I think they need to go, then I sit back and lament that it might just take me all month to get things done. But today I had a breakthrough.

Originally I had the entire spare room floor covered with Halloween décor. There were two paths through the knickknacks otherwise every square inch was utilized. Today I can finally see floor. It was a group effort and I probably overdid it but it was worth it. At least I’m telling myself that now. Things still aren’t up and in place, but they are at least closer to being that way and that makes me happy.

I have been in a bit of a funk. Since I felt so bad I didn’t really feel inspired to decorate. Prior to contracting the sleepy plague, I had grand plans to do something different this year. That idea got squashed real quick. So there I sat, looking at everything and feeling overwhelmed. Yes, I know, I’m not curing cancer or solving an incredibly hard math equation that will enable us to live on Mars, but to me decorating is important. I really couldn’t tell you why. Sure, my mom decorated our house when I was a kid, but nothing like I do now. I fall somewhere between Martha Stewart perfection and crazy Halloween hoarder.

The past few years I’ve actually tried to downsize. I take everything out of their boxes, everything, and ruthlessly go through them. I ask myself questions like; have I ever used this or when was the last time I did? Am I only keeping this out of sentimentally or will I really use it? Example. One of my past jobs was for a comic book warehouse. It was AWESOME! They had the best stuff in there and not just comic books. I loved that job sooooo much. I did it for two summers and it was a dream. They got crazy cool stuff in the warehouse at Halloween and some of my paychecks went directly back to the company. My favorite acquisition was a Halloween snow globe. The base was a pair of skeleton hands wrapped around the glass ball. Inside was black snow with a skull in the middle. It was something to see, my description really doesn’t do it justice. I proudly displayed it every year until one fateful season when I went to open to box to take it out and found that the glass had shattered. I was heartbroken and I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. So I took off all the excess glass and displayed it as is. A few years later on of the fingers broke off the hands. Then the skull got lost. I kept that broken down globe for far longer than I should have. I finally threw it away a few years ago and it was disposed of with high honors. Every year as I dig through the boxes I keep hoping to find the snow globe miraculously recovered and waiting for me. Obviously I don’t, but its memory lives on.

It’s like that with my decorations. They are family. Each one has a story to tell. I don’t just buy stuff cuz it’s Halloweeny. It has to stand out or mean something. Like the rapping ghost that my mom bought me when I was a teen. It is the most ridiculous thing. You press the button on its stand and it lights ups, shimmies and raps. I have no idea why she thought it would be something I would like, but I can’t seem to part with it. It has become a part of the family, from the dysfunctional side.

I look forward to taking my holiday treasures out of their boxes. Since I can’t hurry up and decorate this year I have greatly enjoyed sitting and looking over all of them and reminiscing. Right now as I type I am in the middle of the floor surrounded by them. There are new friends and old. I have a small sack full that will be donated and I’m both proud of myself and sad. I always feel like such a traitor letting things go.

Then there’s the decorations we lost in the fire 5 years ago. I miss those things like a phantom limb. I had a full Halloween village that I had spent years curating. Only two houses survived and let’s be honest, they weren’t my favorites. But, is has been fun finding replacements. I buy a few more bits and bobs every year and now my town looks less and less like the vacant bad side of town and more like the bustling monster metropolis it should be.

But where do I find all these marvelous things you may ask? Everywhere, is my answer. They are both homemade and store bought. They can be edible (though not really anymore after 15 plus years), fragile, squishy, sturdy or soft. Some are scary, some funny, others sweet, cute and everything in between. The furthest a decoration has ever come is from Romania, no joke. I shop at various places online, in stores of all types, I check discount bins, and sales. Some are gifts, some I’ve gotten for free with a purchase and some have mysteriously turned up on my doorstep.

If I had to pick my very favorite decoration, it would be the haunted house that my grandmother made for me. It was ceramic and she painted it brownish grey with blue trim. Inside were three color changing bulbs that made a noise every time they switched over. I loved that thing. I’m pretty sure it was some sort of a fire hazard, but I miss it horribly. It’s still my favorite even though it is gone. I haven’t had the heart to pick something new, but if I had to choose I’d say the Halloween train that my dad bought me last year would be a definite contender. So, while I sit here and dream that magical Halloween elves will be coming in during the night to decorate my house, I’m curious, what is your favorite Halloween/fall decoration and how long have you had it?

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