Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October Thought Day 6: Easy Like an October Morning

As the sound of the clock striking midnight on Halloween night fades into the air I start preparing for the next October adventure. I look at my October To Do list and see what I did, what was left undone and what should be added for the next year. Then I put the list away and start getting ready for Thanksgiving. As the months roll by, new ideas pop into my head and the list expands. Around mid-July I take the list out and start preparing in earnest. This year I had a pretty fantastic list drawn up; it was quite ambitious even for me. Then I got mono, which may have been a good thing. Pretty much my only activity now is dreaming of the things on the list. True, I can watch all bazillion of my October movies. I can also read my ton and a half of October books, but it isn’t the same as being out in my favorite month.
Today while looking at my small Halloween village I realized that the denizens of the fair hamlet were having more fun than me. Then I realized that I needed an attitude adjustment. I was trying to figure out how to squeeze all my October stuff into a few well days and I was stressing myself out. That mania is usually something I save for December. I figuratively smacked myself upside the head then gave myself a stern talking to. Where was my creativity and that magical October spark? Why was I getting all worked up over things that I do every year? Wasn’t it time to make new traditions or at least do something new for a change?

I tell you what, after that lecture I started to calm down and things didn’t seem near as dire as I had convinced myself that they were. Now I have a new game plan, I’m going to find new ways to do things and generally enjoy the month like it was meant to be.
For October or any holiday season, there is no need to get caught up in the crazy. I realized that I was drowning in October excess. I wanted to do everything and in so doing I wasn’t really going to fully enjoy anything, I was going to be checking off a list and calling that fun. So I pared things down. This is my new list. I don’t plan on completing everything, but it is nice to have some goals. If I don’t check everything off, no big deal. If I find new and exciting things, I’ll write about them. I can’t wait to see what my new laid back October looks like.

The New October List (in no specific order)  

  1. Visit a new corn maze
  2. Visit Halloweentown
  3. Watch some of my old October movies that I haven’t seen in a while
  4. Carve a pumpkin
  5. Bake a pumpkin something-or-other
  6. Drink apple cider
  7. Catch early morning fog
  8. Read my October books
  9. Find and drink pumpkin nog
  10. Read the legend of sleepy hollow out by the fire
  11. Enjoy the treasure trove of pumpkin bounty I have already managed to procure
  12. Wear my October socks
  13. Visit with friends
  14. Enjoy the October beauty to the fullest

What is on your October must list?

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