Saturday, October 10, 2015

October Thought Day 10: A Bit Out of Control.....and I Like It, Like It, Yes I Do

There is a meme going around about white girls and pumpkin spice everything, and the sad thing is, I sorta....ok really, relate to it. It isn't so much that I love pumpkin spice as it is the fact that I pretty much love anything pumpkin. I have a real problem when it comes to pumpkin.....everything. If there is a picture of a pumpkin on it, I buy it. If there is wording that has pumpkin in it, I buy it. I really have no control over the matter. I have tried to abstain from pumpkin buying and what do I do instead, buy more pumpkiny stuff. Is there a Pumpkin Buyers Anonymous group that I could join? Cuz it has the word pumpkin in it and I would totally go. See, what I mean.

This mania extends to other facets of October as well. Holiday magazines. For the other eleven months of the year I might buy a magazine here and there but come fall, I'm a goner. This year I have amassed 15 different holiday magazines. Periodicals that I don't even give a second glance to at any other time. But they had fall things on the front so I was greatly compelled to purchase them. It got so bad this year that I bought two of them twice because I thought that I didn't already have them.

I have bought two more pumpkin cookbooks that I really didn't need and a sweatshirt that communicates my love of pumpkin spice. I have made a batch of pumpkin spice cupcakes and am planning on having a pumpkin everything day with a friend later in the month. My mania seems to be reaching abnormal and worrying proportions.
But the kicker was today. I went to my second corn maze and this one had a pumpkin patch. I had my two trusty pumpkin sherpas with me and they did an amazing job of finding exactly the pumpkins that I liked. They did too good a job in fact. I came home with 13 pumpkins. It was almost twelve, but then as the hay wagon was leaving the patch I spied one more perfect pumpkin. I actually yelled for the driver to stop (I had to yell, the tractor was loud and I didn't think he would hear me). I jumped off the back, scooted down the row, grabbed my pumpkin and was back on board in a flash. My two sherpas were just shaking their heads at me. As I sat surveying my pumpkiny loot, one of the sherpas said "you have a problem." And when I cast longing looks at the passing patch and turned to tell them I wanted just one more, they both said "NO, you don't need any more." To which I replied, of course I don't need them, I want them. I may have looked a little like Gollum when I said it and called the orange orbs my precious as I sat in the middle of them and tried to hug them all.
Last year I think I had twenty some pumpkins. I am mulling over the idea of getting 31 this year and carving numbers into each of them. I don't know, that may be taking things a bit far, but then when it comes to October, moderation doesn't seem to be my strong suit.

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