Thursday, October 15, 2015

October Thought Day 15: Oops and Poems

Wow, I didn't realize that I had gotten behind. I guess time really does fly when one is having fun. Remember how I said that I wouldn't share any Halloween poetry until the end of the month. Yeah, I lied, but it was just a teeny, tiny orange one. Today was officially the halfway point in October and I think a little poetry is just what Doctor Jekyll ordered.
This poem comes from a book called Scarum Fair by Jessica Swaim.

The poem is titled The Werewolves Den

Are you sick from too much I-Scream?
Is the carnival too loud?
Then curl up in our den awhile,
escape the raucous crowd.

If you'll come a little closer,
we will nibble on your nose,
we'll lick your hands, your face, your ears
your scrumptious little toes.

Like our friendly canine cousins,
we're a cute and cuddly bunch.
Just think of us as puppies,
and we'll think of you as....lunch.

This poem is what made me buy the book. On the page where this poem is, is an illustration of were-puppies getting ready to nibble on a boys toes. Trust me, it isn't a scary picture, it is really quite funny and cute and frankly, if the kid was dumb enough to go into a werewolves den in the middle of a creepy carnival, then he deserves to be dinner. 

Three tiny paragraphs and I'm hooked. First of all, I hate, hate, hate werewolves. They creep me out to no end which is why reading about them is so fun.  Odd how my mind works, isn't it. If I was the child in this poem I would in no way, shape or form trundle off to a werewolves den. Firstly, talking animals are not to be trusted. Secondly, if a carnival is too loud, I am going back to my nice cozy home where there is a bubble bath and cookies. Thirdly, NO WEREWOLVES. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, just run. Run far, run fast and toss dog treats behind you to slow them down.
They tell the child in the second paragraph that they are going to nibble on him. I mean, have some sort of sense of self preservation kid. But that last line, so funny. Yup, that kid totally gets what he deserves.

But now that I think about it, my puppy does the exact same thing. His favorite pastime is chewing on my fingers. And he does lick me a lot.....aww man, I have a were-puppy who is going to nibble me in my sleep. I guess there are worse ways to go and like I said, I suppose I deserve what I get.

While I was reading other poems in the Scarum Fair my mind wandered and I got around to wondering how would a mummy handle a spa day? I mean, if it signed up for the seaweed wrap, would it use fresh bandages or put the new ones on top of the old? How would the spa attendant react to wrapping or unwrapping a mummy? I'll bet there would be a lot of hazard pay involved. This is just one of the many things I ponder about monsters. Like can vampires tell the difference between blood types? Is one spicier than another? Does the werewolf see a doctor or a vet? How does Frankenstein buy clothes when all his parts come from different people? Would living in a really big aquarium be considered living in a condo for the Creature From the Black Lagoon? I'll bet the people at the fair could tell me. So many questions. So few answers. Sigh.

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