Sunday, October 25, 2015

October Thought Day 25: October For My Mom

The thought for today is about candy corn. I thought I was done with the topic, but it seems that those little multicolored triangles haven't had enough of me yet. I wasn't planning on writing about them again but for two things, the first being a poll that showed what candy each state most consumed in October, with Oregon identifying as candy corn. The second reason is that though she has not read my October Thoughts this year, my mother asked if I had written about them yet. I told her, "well kinda" and apparently that wasn't good enough for her.
So, without further ado, I give you the yearly lesson on the process and consumption of candy corn. Enjoy.

According to the National Confectioners Association, candy companies will produce nearly 35 million pounds of the corny candy this year. That's about 9 billion individual kernels of corn. Or about 10 million dollars in dental bills.

 Most people know the traditional candy corn with three stripes -- yellow at the bottom, orange at the center and white at the top -- but it also comes in a variety of other colors and flavors depending on the holiday: Brown, orange, and white Indian corn (the brown section is chocolate-flavored) for Thanksgiving. Green, white and red Reindeer corn for Christmas (which I think should be mint flavored but so far they have not mass produced my idea yet). Pink, red and white Cupid corn for Valentine's Day (gag). And the dreaded Pastel-colored Bunny corn for Easter. Dreaded because even though color has nothing to do with it, and I know they make it fresh, Bunny corn looks ridiculous and tastes stale. And that is just the way it is. But my mom isn't the only one who loves the triangular sweet stuff, October 30th is National Candy Corn Day. Though I don't think I have ever heard them announce that on the news.

 According to writing and research done by TLC staff reporter Stephanie Watson, "Candy corn has been around for more than a century. George Renninger of the Wunderlee Candy Company invented it in the 1880s. It was originally very popular among farmers and its look was revolutionary for the candy industry. The Goelitz Candy Company started making candy corn in 1900 and still makes it today, although the name has changed to the Jelly Belly Candy Company.

Although the recipe for candy corn hasn't changed much since the late 1800s, the way it's made has changed quite a bit. In the early days, workers mixed the main ingredients -- sugar, water and corn syrup -- in large kettles. Then they added fondant (a sweet, creamy icing made from sugar, corn syrup and water) and marshmallow for smoothness. Finally, they poured the entire mixture by hand into molds, one color at a time. Because the work was so tedious, candy corn was only available from March to November.

Today, machines do most of the work. Manufacturers use the "corn starch molding process" to create the signature design. A machine fills a tray of little kernel-shaped holes with cornstarch, which holds the candy corn in shape. Each hole fills partway with sweet white syrup colored with artificial food coloring. Next comes the orange syrup, and finally, the yellow syrup. Then the mold cools and the mixture sits for about 24 hours until it hardens. A machine empties the trays, and the kernels fall into chutes. Any excess cornstarch shakes loose in a big sifter. Then the candy corn gets a glaze to make it shine, and workers package it for shipment to stores."
I know it is time consuming, but I miss the good old days of hand made candy corn. Not that I ever tasted it, but don't you just imagine that it was better? But how weird is it that so much work went into making something so small. I think knowing that painstaking process is what cemented my love of candy corn in the first place. Candy is a complex thing and we just grab it off a supermarket shelf like it is no big deal. It really is something to savor. Think about it the next time you have some, hopefully this month.

Think about time, and creativity. About taste and texture. I know they say that the colors don't make a difference and that the corn tastes the same. But I swear, the orange part tastes a bit like a creamsicle, the yellow like honey and the white like a frothy marshmallow top. Just taste and see if I am wrong.
But now that you know the technical side of things, imagine with me if you will the fantastic. See, I don't think that candy corn is really made like that at all. I think candy corn comes from a parallel world that we can't see. In it, candy corns are living creatures who dwell in villages made out of gumdrops and romp and frolic like fairies. They fly to and fro on sugary wings, and eat only the choicest marshmallows from the mallow trees. As candy corns mature they get more colors. Baby corns start out as little white nubbins who then eventually grow into orange adults. From those adults, only the wisest and most magical of the candy corn people attain their yellow stripe.

 But lest you think we barbaric human beings gorge ourselves on sweet candy people, let me tell you the rest of the story. When the wise candy corns have lived a full and happy life and are ready to journey onto the next adventure, they shed their triangular coats and become October sun and moon beams. Haven't you noticed the particular sparkle and shine on a beautiful day, or the twinkle of a star at night? Those are the candy people waving hello and giving October a little extra oomph.

 With all those discarded candy coats lying around, something has to be done. That is where the scarecrows come in. Did you really think that they just stood around in fields all day looking at birds? Their job is to harvest the candy corn coats while the world is sleeping. And really, the birds work for them. They spend their days on the lookout for the candy coats and then report back. It is quite the system and I don't want to spoil all the secrets, but doesn't that just give you a whole new appreciation for the tiny, tasty triangle.

 So the next time you are at the supermarket, buy a bag and support a scarecrow. Taste a tiny tricolored triangle for me. Have one for my mom (as long as it isn't chocolate) and be sure to have another on the 30th. I know I will.

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