Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 11: The Night

Today was a rather hectic day. It did not at all go how I planned it. Sadly, it was not a super cool surprise kind of day, but we roll with the punches. After everyone was bedded down and tucked in for the night. I grabbed my mattress and drug it out to the back of the pick up truck. I piled it in along with blankets, pillows, a cup of tea, and the puppy. Then I just snuggled down and looked up at the stars.

Star gazing is a great thing to do in October, and I have had a love affair with the velvety blackness since I was a wee sprout. I find that the night sky always has something fantastic going on. Unbeknownst to my mother, I used to sneak out and climb up on the roof to stargaze. It is just so peaceful. One can sit absolutely still and watch the world turn.

Star gazing was especially wonderful tonight. There was a haze over the moon making it all distorted and out of focus. The glowing orb was only at half strength, which made it easy to see the other twinkly bits in the heavens. I saw a few shooting stars and made sure to look for my favorite constellations. But I don't limit myself to them. I make my own star patterns, name them and come up with back stories. October I have found is a fertile ground for imagination and flights of fancy.

Back home, I used to watch the bats fly as I gazed. Now I look for owls. It always gives me a tingle to see some giant winged thing out and about when the rest of the world is sleeping. But isn't that half the fun of October. Letting ones imagination run away with them? I let mine do that all the time. October nights just make it easy. Foggy, dark, cool, black. Things chirping or rustling in tall dry grasses. Ooooh. I just gave myself goose bumps.

So yes, one of these remaining October nights, go out and watch the stars. Go for a midnight stroll with the bats. Play peek a boo with the moon. You won't be sorry you did.

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