Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 24: Doing the Weather Dance

Ok, that's it. I have been good all month long. I have not asked for a thing. I have sat and patiently waited. I can do it no longer. I am going to roll up my sleeves. Put on my scariest October socks and do my fog dance. You heard me. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna put in my DVD copy of the Fog. I am gonna think foggy thoughts. I am going to brew up some candy corn in a cauldron if I have to, but I will have fog before the month is out.

October without fog is like Christmas without the tree. It is just wrong. Now the weather man is talking about snow. SNOW. We can't have snow until I get my fog. I'm putting my tiny foot down. I will be ok with snow after then, but not before. Mother nature better get on her game face, cuz I'm a commin'.

Fog is marvelous stuff. It is thick, it is creepy, it moves like it has a mind of its own and it is the perfect concoction for the imagination. If it is a really good, thick fog it can totally wreak havoc on ones senses. I have all sorts of marvelous fog stories. My favorite (at least for this month) was when I was driving to school and the fog was so thick on the highway that people simply stopped in the middle of the road. They didn't pull off to the side, they just stopped where they were. Now I realize how dangerous this was. I almost hit a travel trailer. But after the fact, and living to tell about it, it was so cool. It was something like straight out of a post apocalyptic movie. SO. COOL.

I love going walking in fog. I love watching it creep up from the river banks and spread itself out over the countryside. From my high vantage point, sometimes the entire valley floor disappears. It is like there are only the inhabitants of hills left. The fog looks so thick that one could almost get out a boat and row their way through it. How cool would that be to row on fog.

All the best things happen when there is fog in horror films or spooky TV shows. Fog creeps and hides things. Maybe it does it in real life too. All I know is that I have been bereft without my murky companion. Come on October, do me a solid.....or semi solid and send some fog my way. Pretty please with some candy corn on top.

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