Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 22: Amazing

Today did not start off like I planned. So far it is not ending like I planned either. Both are good things though. Unplanned surprises seem to be one of my October themes along with the idea of cozy and writing by firelight. Tonight the peanut gallery is not outside to critique my fire making skills, so I have a bonfire going big and bright. Just my sort of October enjoyment. The weather is still warm enough that I can type without my fingers being frozen, but that will change in a matter of hours. When that happens I guess I will just have to throw more logs on the fire.
Today I had determined that I would go to the corn maze. I didn't want to go to early in the month and have all my fun right from the start. But neither did I want to wait until the last moment. I debated, checked my calendar and today was the day I chose. I have dreamed about this special event all month long. I spent way to long deciding what outfit to wear and watching the weather. Finally, it was time to go.
I love our local corn maze. I love everything about it. It is run by a truly wonderful family. It is in a remote location that lends itself well to the spook factor and the maze itself is beautiful.
I took my time and just basked in the maze going experience. I drove 5 miles an hour down the potholed road just so I could soak in the ambience. I don't know which is my favorite part of the drive, the bridge over the creek that I KNOW will fall down one day when I am on it, or the swampy area with the dead and burned trees. If I wasn't so scared of either causing the bridge to crumble, or being eaten by back country swamp monsters, I would stop and take a picture. One of these days I will get up enough courage to do it. Today was not that day. It came close though.
I parked next to a designated hay bale and made my way to the ticket counter. Every year there are new and exciting things added to the site. This time there was a zip line, bouncy castle and a goody truck. The old standbys like the corn cannon, small maze, cow train and goat run were still there and that made me happy. I had been really worried that there might not be a corn maze this year with the drought. I was worried about it all summer long, but it turns out that I needn't have feared.
Before going into the maze I lazily ambled around the different sights. I got to watch the most adorable three year old boy go down the zip line. He was very matter o fact about doing it himself and let out the most delightful WEEEEEEEEE each time he went down. He followed the rules and dutifully brought his rope back every time and since there was no one else around, the attendant let him ride and ride and ride. It was a joy to watch.
The light was perfect for going through a maze. The sun was absolutely golden and beginning to set. It cast perfect shadows across the corn and made patterns on the ground. Plus it was just the right amount of warm.
I love corn mazes. They are so peaceful. I find them quite meditative. Plus, most of the time I have the entire maze to myself. This time there was one family that was just finishing as I entered and it was fun listening to them tromp past as I wandered through on the other side of the corn wall. The little boy in the group was the selected navigator and had just realized that he had found the way out. He let out a triumphant victory yell and went barging through the corn. It made me chuckle.
After that there was nothing but the sounds of me and the maze. I love listening to the corn rustle in the breeze. I love hearing the little scurrying sounds of birds and other things. This year one of the trivia guides through the maze was 80's movie quotes. Score. The maze was not difficult at all and my wanderings ended much to soon. But that didn't stop my fun. They had arranged the pumpkin patch so that it sort of fit inside the maze. The maze wound around the pumpkin patch like a U and from various points inside you could look out and see the pumpkins. I spent half an hour looking for the perfect pumpkin to take home and add to my growing gourd collection. I came home with two.
There is a house that sits on a hill overlooking the farmstead. You can see it from inside the maze and I always wonder about who lives there. If I lived in that house, I would spend inordinately large amounts of time with binoculars on my back porch watching people go through the maze.
All in all, it was wonderful fun and I just may do it one more time before the month is over. Perhaps one day I will grow up and grow my very own corn maze. Who knows. Then I could go out and play in it every day. Oh my, I just got happy chills. Add another thing to my bucket list. 

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