Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2: Breathe Deep

My first day of October was fantastic. Not the most fantastic October day ever mind you, but it certainly was up there. I had a smorgasbord of October fun and didn't want it to end. Sun dappled drive through an autumnal countryside...check. First pumpkin spice latte of the month...check. Surprise treat that only October can bring...check. Decorations up and fabulous...check. Getting to revel in the first new day...super check!
But what really stood out to me, was the smells. No matter what time it was, no matter what I was doing, I was surrounded by October aromas. Each season/month has a scent or scents that readily identify it. But I think October has an embarrassment of riches in the olfactory department. Don't believe me, just think about it. February smells like chocolate and roses. March like a brewery, newness and green things. July smells like fireworks, May like flowers and December like pine. This year Yankee Candle has gotten in on the scent craze and released November smelling theme candles. There is Sweet Potato Pie, Cranberry Sauce and Turkey & Stuffing. Personally, I would not buy a candle that smelled like turkey, but that is just me.

In an abstract way, October smells like magic and excitement. There is this sense of wonder and adventure that permeates the days. Those feelings insinuate themselves into the everyday smells and makes them sharper and more lively.

I woke up this morning to the clean, crisp smell of an autumn day. The air was dry and had a snap to it. It is like the air is cleaner in October. You breathe it in and just feel better. More alive. It smells like moisture and midnight. While out running early morning errands I drove by machines freshly turning over the earth. There was this raw, wet, loamy smell that wafted into my truck. The rich aroma of soil. I almost stopped so that I could scoop some up and bottle to keep for later. Now there is a candle I would buy, wet earth. And speaking of wet, have you ever smelled a pile of wet leaves right after the rain? It is almost that same loamy smell and I just can't get enough.

But maybe you are not a fan of the wet earth and soggy leaf smell. October has other snifftastic smells in store. A lot of really good October smells come from baked goods or cooking. The weather turns cooler and out come the recipes for comfort foods. Smells of cinnamon, nutmeg, caramel and honey can delight the senses. There is the sharp smell of licorice and the homey smell of cinnamon rolls or breads baking. There is spiced everything. Spiced chai, spiced cider, spiced air fresheners. October in general has this deep and somewhat tangible aroma, but it also has its lite moments. There is the smell of freshly washed blankets, or the wafting smell of wood smoke.

Like I said before, October is all about comfort and really breathing life in. The harvest is coming and the world puts out one final aromatic aria before fading into the dullness of winter. So my challenge to you for today, breathe deep. Really stop and take in a lungful of what October has to offer. Then share what you find.

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