Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 20: Rather Rockwellian or Winsome Wanderlust

I love to daydream. I enjoy indulging in flights of fancy. My capacity for whimsy and merriment knows no bounds. I partake of these pleasures year round, however, October seems to magnify them. I see fairy hollows in each passing shrub or tree. I envision portals to secret worlds in every corn field or grove of trees. The moon seems to sparkle and the clouds are up to mischief. Dusk doesn't mean the end of the day, it means new adventures are awaiting for those brave enough to brave the dark. Perhaps there will be a shadows tea party where they drink mulled cider and eat chocolate cakes. Perhaps the pumpkins in the patch wait until the scarecrows give the clear and then hold waltzes in the garden.

I love October and the creativity it infuses me with. In no other month do I get such a sense of wonder and wanderlust. It isn't that I am unhappy with where I am, it is just that in October I KNOW there is so much beauty to be seen all over the place that I want to drink it all in as much as possible. I want to fill to bursting with the riot of sensory delights that October unleashes.

I want to move to Vermont or Connecticut and run a bed and breakfast. I want to get up early and go kayaking on a misty lake. I want to twirl through falling leaves in a maple grove. I want to skip across a covered bridge in the daylight and peek around its corners in the dead of night looking for headless denizens.

I want to find some sleepy town where time forgot and listen to them spin their stories while sitting on front porches in rocking chairs. I want to get asked to a cider social and have the thrill of picking out a fall colored dress. I want to enter a pie eating contest just so I have the excuse to smush my face deep into a pie without it seeming weird. I want to lay awake at night in a house older than my grandfather listening to the boards creak and settle. I want to wander past a wishing well in the middle of a glen and toss a shiny penny in then listen for the splash. I want to wander the back hills in search of local phantoms.

Sure, some of this, maybe all of this might sound too quaint. It might strike you as something only Norman Rockwell would paint. But I know for a fact that there are still pockets of this autumnal wonder left in the world. I want to strap on a well weathered green rucksack, lace up my sturdy boots and wander until I find it.

Sometimes I envy those pioneers. So much adventure waited around their door. I know their life was not without privation and hardship, but they also knew how to rest, converse, merry make and dream. I think we lose that in our hustle and bustle of life today. We don't value the dreamers and the free spirits. People who are just content to be and to take life as it comes. To imagine and wonder and live. October brings out those feelings in me and I am so grateful for it.

That is your homework as you move through the dwindling days of this month. Dream. Look for the magic giggling behind the corner. Pull it out and take it for a spin. See where the moment leads you. I'll bet it will be somewhere wonderful.

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