Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 14: Buckets of October Fun

Yesterday was not the best of days, but October did its darndest to perk me up. I had planned to take a nice Sunday, autumnal drive and eventually end up with a pumpkin spice latte in my hand. Instead, I had to settle for the scent of a pumpkin spice latte candle and my nice bed. It was a rather sickly October day, but it still had some magic to it.

Mom wanted fast food so I drug my lethargic carcass up and went to get it for her. Once I got to McDonald's I perked up real fast, for there on the menu board was a childhood delight, Halloween happy meal buckets. Of course, like many other things in my childhood, what they have now can't hold a candle to what they had then, but it still made my heart sing to see the good old buckets. I had been disappointed earlier in the week when I went to Arctic Circle to see what their Halloween toy was this year. Sadly, it was scary mini flashlights again. Don't get me wrong, they were cool, but they have done the flashlights for 2 years, 3 counting this one and I am a bit flashlighted out.

I ordered the happy meal and actually giggled when I got to the window. I giggled all the way home as the Halloween bucket sat on the seat next to me. It even had a picture of my favorite girl monster on the side. When I got home I dumped all the food on mom's lap and then made off with the bucket. She was most upset because she wanted the bucket. Oh well, guess I will have to go back and get another. Shucks. It is so rough being me sometimes.

Getting the holiday toys and seasonal goodies from the various fast food establishments is still a cause for celebration around our house. The minute those commercials aired or we saw ads on the restaurants reader boards, we were off like a shot. The old Happy Meal Buckets used to be made of quite sturdy stuff. Until the fire last year, we still had them. They were thick plastic and came in one of three choices, green witch, white ghost and orange pumpkin. I love, love, loved them. Back in the day, they also came with a toy inside. So not only did you get food, but a snazzy bucket and a toy. SCORE! The best toys were the plastic McNuggets in various costumes. Somewhere, I still have the McNugget dressed up like a ghost. He was my favorite.

The bucket I got today is really good for only one use. The handle is way too big and the plastic is flimsy. They have retail characters on the side, angry birds for boys and monster high for girls. But I don't care, it reminds me of my childhood and that is worth something to me. I love it when October throws a little nostalgia my way unexpectedly. What are some of your favorite memories?

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