Saturday, October 10, 2020

Day 10: Puttin' on the Ritz

You know how the song goes, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas……” Well, around here it is beginning to look a lot like Halloween. I wasn’t sure if people were going to decorate this year what with the uncertainty of Trick or Treating actually happening and all the other catastrophes, but it turns out, when you strand the general population in their houses for extended periods of time; they really break out all their Halloween décor and go nuts.

 There are interesting tableaus popping up all over town and I can’t wait to go on a late night ride to check out some of these creative endeavors. Some people go look at Christmas lights, I creep around and look at Halloween décor. I have a few favorites already (not counting my own yard).

There is a house next door to a church downtown and every year they decorate their front yard like crazy. If you people thought I had lots of stuff, I’ve got nothing on them. I honestly don’t know where they store it all. I think they buy new stuff each year. And we are not talking a little bit. They must have at least 20 fake pumpkins in their yard. They also have 6 foot tall monsters and it is marvelous. Another house just down from them has 2 mammoth grim reapers, freakishly huge webs and a Freddy Kruger/Jason Voorhees  doll sitting in a lawn chair under a tree. People one neighborhood over from me seem to be competing with their neighbors across the street to see who can have the biggest display. It is AMAZING! I love it, and it is only the 10th of October. Hopefully this means there is more to come.

It makes me absolutely giddy looking at all these decorations. There are inflatables, animatronics, lights, webs, and pumpkin people. I wish I decorated the outside of my house more, but I have always been more of an indoor décor person. If I could be assured that no one would abscond with my stuff I’d buy more of the animatronic things. But those decorations are a hefty investment and I would be heartbroken if it was damaged or stolen. But hope springs eternal. I have several cool things bookmarked in my Amazon October list. Maybe one day. Maybe when I retire, I will turn my front and back yards into Halloween attractions. It will be an interactive trick or treating experience that has people lining up down the block. Oooh I just gave myself shivers. Yup, some people retire and want to go to the beach. I retire and want to turn my house into a holiday attraction…..sounds about right.

 How do you decorate for the season/holiday?

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