Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 28: Odds and Ends

I’m in denial. This is Halloween week and I am both overjoyed and heartily dismayed. I am excited for Halloween to be here already but once it is, I will have to wait another 364 days till the next one. Sigh.

I got a bit sidetracked when I was writing my October Thought. Last night a few friends messaged me asking if they could borrow things from my costume closet for Halloween. In theory I understand the idea of last minute costumes, but since I plan for mine years in advance I kinda shake my head at them. After we solved the imminent crisis, I started innocently browsing through costume ideas for next year and the year after. 2 hours and 5 costumes later I realized what time it was and shut down my Google search.

Then I typed out my October Thought. I was almost done and my computer decided it was tired and shut itself off. No biggie. I rebooted it and it came on just long enough to laugh at me and then shut off again. When I finally got it up and running my original Thought was lost. It wasn’t a story thank goodness, but the mojo to rewrite it was gone and my eye lids are getting heavy. Since I made you read lots yesterday, today will be short and it will be an accumulation of October tidbits that I have been accruing all month.

1)      In Manila there are people who live in graveyards. Not dead people, live people. They have stores and wells and mail, it’s like the suburbs but your neighbors are really, really quiet and sometimes smell. I have looked up pictures of it and it is crazy. It is incredibly sad, but it gets my creative juices flowing.


2)      Also in Manila, you don’t buy your plot and stay, you rent your semi eternal resting place. Plots are sold on a five-year lease. If at the end of the five years the lease isn’t renewed you are dug up and returned to your family or incinerated if there is no one to give you to. Man, Manila is harsh.


3)      It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown will no longer air on TV. I am greatly dismayed by this even though I own it. It is a holiday TV staple and how dare they take it from me.


4)      There is a Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle  upon Tyne in England. The bloodthirsty bunny is basically a gargoyle that sits above the door of a cathedral. People aren’t really sure if it is a bunny, but they have repainted it in modern times to look a bit more menacing and it is said to scare off thieves/intruders. It certainly looks frightening.


5)      There was a pop up parade in the town where I work and I totally somehow missed it. I was out on the street exactly when it was supposed to be happening and everyone must have been invisible because I saw nothing. I did however delight a small child and his parents who were walking around doing the scavenger hunt. I opened mom’s window to see if I could help them as they were wandering and looked lost. The little boy took one look at my monster shield mask and his whole face lit up. Mommy look at the monster. He had better have been talking about my shield is all I’m saying. He really liked it and I’m glad I chose to wear that particular one.  


6)      I found a discount bag of gummy body parts candy and I still didn’t buy it. I should get a medal or a free bag of gummy body parts.


7)      In Goffstown, New Hampshire there is a Giant Pumpkin Regatta and I am jealous that I am not there. People hollow out these incredibly large pumpkins and paddle them down the river. I mean, how AWESOME is that?! Plus they decorate their giant thousand pound pumpkins. I think I have found my people.


8)      I just found out that the 25th is called Frankenstein Friday. Even if it doesn’t fall on a Friday apparently. How could I have missed this milestone? Devastated.


9)      And last but not least, the Today Show Bracketween Candy Challenge. Your particular favorite might not be on there, but mine sure was. I took the challenge and my final four were Twix, Almond Joy, Snickers, and Butterfinger, with Twix going head to head with Snickers. Twix won out over all. It was a hard fought win though. What would yours come out as if you did the bracket?

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