Friday, October 9, 2020

Day 9: Crackle and Pop

There is something hypnotic about firelight in the fall. The way the flames dance and spin and twist. The reverberating sharp crack of wood splitting under pressure in the flame. The smell of wood smoke that permeates everything even if you are not sitting in the direct line of the fire. The sudden burst of sparks from the tips of the flames as they go shooting up to the sky with one heady burst of freedom. I love watching them pulse towards the night sky wondering if they really do burn out or if they simply travel so fast I can’t see them with my naked eye and they reach the stars to gallop and cavort amongst the galaxies. What secrets do campfires hold? Why are they so romantic or cozy or scary or primal? What is it about a small circle of stones with orange tongues of fire that can make us go still for hours or laugh with reckless abandon?

Food tastes better over a campfire, it’s a proven fact. There is something peaceful about being the only one awake in the morning over an open flame watching a charred coffee pot jump and bubble on a grate. Then there are s’mores and the ceaseless argument over the best way to toast a marshmallow and what exactly makes up the golden ratio of s’mory goodness.

But it isn’t just campfires that have this magic. Indoor fireplaces and even electronic fires can hold the same enchantment. There is something cozy and inviting about them. They draw people in. They are perfect for snuggling or telling ghost stories by. Firelight protects you from the things that go bump in the night. Right now I am sitting next to my electronic fire as I write. It keeps luring me in which is why today’s thought is so short. What is your favorite way to enjoy a fire?

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