Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Day 13: Call Me Cozy

October is all about cozy. It is snuggly blankets, warm sweaters, bonfires, tea, comfort food and smells. There is nothing quite like the smell of October. Many different businesses have tried to bottle autumnal goodness and they fall short. How do you capture the essence of comfort, whimsy and pumpkin?

Yesterday I overloaded on October smells. After that cleansing rain we had, the sky was oh so blue and the smell of smoke was gone, baby, gone. One could actually smell the wet earth and fresh rain aroma. It was a gorgeous, crisp day and I had a pantry and refrigerator to clean. This meant cooking and baking and lots of it. I made zucchini bread and caramel white chocolate zucchini bread, pecan pie, and caramel apple crisp, roast with all the fixin’s, ceviche, and roasted butternut squash. My house smelled wonderful and the scent of caramel is still lingering today.

While I waited for things to boil, bake or roast, I had cocoa with some fancy whipped cream and read a book out on my porch with all my scarecrows. I watched the neighbors hustle and bustle and do all manner of things. It seems we all are taking advantage of these beautiful fall days.

As the day came to a close I sat inside with the fire going and watched the sky turn from light blue to deep indigo. A little lemon yellow wedge hung on at the bottom of the horizon and then it slipped behind the trees. I left my door open and watched my Halloween porch lights come on along with my inflatables. I was tired of waiting to use them so yesterday was their grand debut.

I felt content and spent the remainder of the evening curled up on the couch with a cup of pumpkin tea and a good murder mystery. I love fall. I wish I could bottle yesterday up and keep it for when the winds of winter come howling.

What does your perfect October day look like?

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