Monday, October 19, 2020

Day 19: They're Monstrously Delicious

I know that I write about Frankenberry cereal every year, but I love it so.

I like how despite the fact that it is puffed up wheat that contains dyes, sugar and marshmallows it is still “a part of a nutritious breakfast.” Yeah, if you add a banana and milk and don’t eat the cereal at all it might be. That part of the TV ads always cracked me up. I didn’t even buy that lie when I was a kid. I was a weird child; I didn’t like sugar cereal which was good cuz mom didn’t want to buy it. I liked “old person” cereal. I called it this because only my grandpa ever at it. I am a Grape Nuts fan, though I will admit to a strong desire to gulp large amounts of Cap n Crunch with crunch berries but that is where it ends. I don’t want sugar for breakfast, if I did I would eat a donut or go snack on some candy or just drink syrup straight from the bottle. But when October rolls around all my good nutritional sense goes out the window and I consume my sugary cereal with gleeful abandon. Sometimes it is even dinner.

As per usual, I did my yearly Google search about my favorite monster cereal and man the things that came up. I always find something good. This year there is a contest from General Mills to win carved busts of Frankenberry, Count Chocula and Boo Berry. Admittedly the busts are kinda bad (only Count Chocula looks good, Boo Berry looks like a slug and Frankenberry looks like a pig), but I still feel that I need them. I started an Instagram account just so I could enter. I will be deleting it after the contest ends. My dedication knows some bounds, just not many.

After doing that, I went down the old commercial rabbit hole on YouTube. I find the monster voices amusing. Frankenberry sounds like a British professor, Count Chocula sounds like Snidely Whiplash and Boo Berry sounds like an Igor even though he should sound like Frank Sinatra. I have no idea why I think that but I just do. I remember watching these ads when I was little. I always looked forward to them. I wish they still made them. It seems they do but I haven’t’ seen one on TV in years. I love that there is a continued rivalry between Count Chocula and Frankenberry. Boo Berry is kind of an afterthought. Maybe that’s why they always render him as looking kinda stoned. He’s probably sitting in a back room somewhere half snoozing with a raging case of the munchies. If monsters eat other monster cereals, does that make them cannibals?

In my searches I found a terror alert chart for the Halloween cereals a la homeland security. I also found a recipe for making Frankenberry rice crispy type treats. I will be making them today. I can hardly wait. Let the sugar rush BEGIN!

If you could make a fall cereal, what would it be, what would be in it, and what would you call it. I think I would have leaf shaped cereal in fall colors. It would taste like cinnamon. I have no idea what it would be called. All my ideas are dorky and after I thought of Leafy-O’s my brain short circuited. I know this though, if it ever became a viable cereal source it would be a sponsor of my October Thoughts, I might even print some on the back of the box for breakfast reading.

Oh my goodness, one more thing before I go, I found this funny article about what happened to the Yummy Mummy. It made me giggle like crazy. I think I am going to print it out and stick it with my monster cereals. Give it a read if you want a good laugh. That Yummy Mummy is nuts.

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