Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Day 15: Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Autumn

I can’t believe it; we are halfway through the best month of them all. It feels like October just got started and already we are on the downward slope. There are still mazes to explore, pumpkins to carve, parties to attend, leaves to peep, and so much more. I guess I had better get my October enjoyment in while I can. Either that, or annex November and keep the party going.
Yesterday was the perfect October day. Well, almost perfect, but darn close. I got a full 9 hours of sleep and woke up to golden sunshine streaming through my windows. I had a full day ahead of me to explore October pursuits. I finally got to finish my Halloween décor. (it’s about time) The village is up, the glitter is swept from the floor and the outside is bedazzled. I spent the day baking pumpkin flavored goodies while Hallmark autumn favorites played in the background (I yelled heartily at the early Christmas ads interrupting my merriment). I had ample time to sit and enjoy the day. I didn’t come near finishing everything on my to do list, but what did get done seemed like the perfect amount.
Time seemed to stand still and a gentle breeze swept the leaves in a graceful dance across the porch. The temperature was goldilocks perfect, it wasn’t too hot or too cold, it was just right. I spent some quality time outside on the lawn getting things ready for winter and decorations ready for fall. It left me with an intense sense of satisfaction over a job well done. A power walker stopped for a second to comment that “did I like Halloween or something” and I just laughed, a neighbor gave my décor a thumbs up.
I went to Home Depot to buy more orange light bulbs and found the most amazing décor. We won’t speak of the fact that Christmas is in full swing at the Depot, but in one sad little corner they did have glorious Halloween things. My favorite hands down was the GINORMOUS inflatable sand worm from the movie Beetlejuice. If I had the extra gold coins in my pocket that gaudy bit of holiday kitsch would be gracing my front lawn right now. It made me so happy. I took some out of focus pictures of it like a tourist. My giggling disturbed a few fellow patrons. What, have you never seen a grown woman giggling over a 9 foot inflatable sand worm before? Obviously you don’t get out much ;) I played with the animatronic Headless Horseman (which I also want) and the very creepy werewolf which may give me nightmares later on. I daydreamed about a skeleton arch that I would like to use in my entryway and I pressed all the Halloween light show testers and debated whether or not to buy a traditional cinnamon broom. I showed some self-restraint and left it there……I’m probably going back.
It felt so good to put up my outdoor décor again and liberate my one eyed pirate skeleton from the dark recesses of the garage. After it was all said and done and the day began to make way for twilight time, my inflatable vampire minion rose from his wrinkled heap next to the garage and my candy corn lights twinkled to life. I sat on the couch with some pumpkin tea and basked in their golden glow. Yes, it was a pretty good day. Here is to more to come!

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