Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Day 2: Goth Disney Princess

I just got an email from one of my favorite October stores, the banner at the bottom of the page read “30 days till Halloween” and I straight up panicked. Then I remembered that, duh, yesterday was the first, so of course there are only 30 days left. (Still kinda panicking though). I don’t feel ready at all. I got my decorations out yesterday and I was a bit confused. Instead of the myriad boxes that I know I have, I only found 6. And then I remembered, they are all still in storage. That put a bit of a damper on my day. I miss my things. I was putting them all in their places in my head and now….. I spent a good half hour trying to figure out how to get them out by myself. Man I wish I had minions, or clones, or more time, or clones of minions and more time. 

But enough melancholy.

Yesterday was AWESOME!!!! I woke up with a song on my lips and joy bubbling out of my pores. My coworkers commented on my unusually sunny mood. I informed them, IT’S THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER!!! and they just shook their heads. One came back a bit later and asked what was so great about the first day of October. So I told her. Her eyes glazed over a bit and then she left, but boy did I feel good. I felt a bit like some sort of goth Disney princess. I flitted from one task to the next humming. I had a great big smile. I scrunched up my nose all cute like and winked and may have even booped a few people on the nose, and made the boop sound when I did it. I almost burst out into a musical montage while busing tables. It was ridiculous and wonderful and totally October’s fault.

I had pumpkin coffee to start my day and monster cereal to balance my breakfast. I had pumpkin lotion on my hands and my sparkly October shirt to give the day some extra pizzazz. I started my first scary book of the month (and am LOVING IT) and right now I am burning a pumpkin caramel latte candle to set the mood.

October always brings me surprises and yesterday was no exception. I got a gift card for more pumpkin coffee in my email because someone wanted to sweeten my day. I finally opened an October package that I had been saving and got the most perfectly orange pumpkin spice mug, which I am right this minute drinking pumpkin tea out of. The weather was perfect, the day was easy like Sunday morning, and I found an October puzzle for my residents and a bit of October bling for me.

For the first day of October, this one was pretty good. But that wasn’t the best part. The very best part came when I went grocery shopping after work (where oddly enough, I didn’t buy anything pumpkin flavored). I got into the checkout line and when it was my turn the checker said, “Happy first day of October.” To which I replied, I know, isn’t it AWESOME. She stopped and looked at me, then asked, “Do you like October?” Um YEAH! I said. Then she proceeded to
tell me about how no one understands her love for October and how wonderful it is. She even showed me her mismatched October socks because she was so excited to wear them both that she couldn’t pick one, so she wore one of each. (I think she is my new best friend) I told her that I totally understood and then we shared stories and giggled. I didn’t even care that there were 4 people in line behind me; I had found another kindred spirit. We finally realized we were being rude and got on with our transaction, and when I finished she said, “HAPPY OCTOBER!!!!!” to which I replied “HAPPY OCTOBER TO YOU TOO!!!!!!!!”

Man October is great. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.

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