Monday, October 21, 2019

Day 21: Plans Change for the Better

I had really grand plans for yesterday. I was going to get stuff Done, yes with a capital d. I had lists and everything. Funny I know. I was a productive person right up until noon when I had pumpkin waffles for lunch. Those waffles must have had some weird soporific effect on me because for the rest of the day I curled up with a blanket and the puppy and read October books. Not one, not even two, but four and I am halfway through my fifth. I only paused long enough to eat dinner. Ok, I didn't pause so much as carry it back to my room and continue reading while I ate (it was monster cereal by the way). But it was so worth it. I read outside in the weak sunshine. I read in the garage amidst my holiday decor. I read in the living room, spare room and my room. I read on the floor, on couches, on concrete, on a chair and on my feet, and you know what, it was wonderful.

October is like that. I can plan my day one way and have it take an unexpected turn and love the new plan even better. I have oodles of stuff on my plate for today, but something tells me I will be staying up to finish my newest book. After all, that's why God made pumpkin spice lattes. He made it expressly for people who stay up all night reading.

So thank you October for such a beautiful day. It was peaceful and unexpected and wonderful. Just like my favorite month.

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