Thursday, October 3, 2019

Day 3: October Calling

As I started writing today I realized that I was not quite through with the idea of music as a metaphor for October. I looked back in my journal and saw that October had been there all along, lurking in the depths of a quiet melody, tickling my subconscious, begging me to notice it. It has been singing its sinuous siren song for quite some time, and in August I finally took the cotton out of my ears and succumbed.

I hadn’t felt much like writing the last few years. October still held its magic, but it was for me alone, not for sharing. Now words run through my head pushing and shoving each other to get onto the page first. I stop, start, and get halfway through with an idea before a new one elbows the words I’m typing aside and asserts itself.

I know I said that the theme music for this October was a modified Christmas tune, but it could also be the sweet strains of an unaccompanied cello suite in G major by Yo Yo Ma, whose woody resonance would weave its way in like smoke, curling and beckoning with misty fingers and tendrils of promise.
I felt its pull last night sitting in my comfy chair with a hot cup of tea, a warm blanket and the dark outside the window. Maybe it was the velvety darkness that changed my October tune. Perhaps something in the night air spoke to me. Notes lingering on the wind so faint you couldn’t be sure if you really heard them or not. Whatever it was, I could feel October in my blood, swirling and whirling and building to something greater. Only time will tell what that particular October surprise will be.

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