Friday, October 18, 2019

Day 18: October is for Friendship

Have you ever noticed that traits from other months find their way to October? I can be basking in a perfect October day when suddenly I am overwhelmed with a feeling of thankfulness. Actually, I think I am more thankful in October than I ever am in November. I think about resolutions more in October than January, and I use the word love more in October than I do in February. Go figure. I know that those months don't have the monopoly on those particular topics but it just feels a bit out of place when they do pop up.

So what does all that have to do with October, you may ask? Friendship, I reply. You see, August is the official month of Friendship Day, but today, actually all of this week, I have had  a chance to reflect on what it means to be a friend and I realize that I am more cognizant of friendship in October than any other time of the year, especially August. I think it has to do with the weather turning a bit brisk and me finding ways to keep cozy. Cozy equals’ friendship in my world so naturally my mind turns there.

This week, while I have been curled up in front of my fake flickering fireplace I have sat back and thought about friends past, present and future. I thought of friends who at the time meant something special in my life and how I shared important moments and milestones with them. Some of those friends I still have, some have moved on and I can only wonder what their lives are like now. Friendship is an odd thing. Sometimes quick friendship bursts can be just as important as friendships that last throughout the years.

I had one friend who saw me through some dark days when a relative passed. They were a shoulder to cry on, a warm body to sit next to and a voice of reason when mine was clouded by grief. If you'd have asked me then how long our friendship would last, I would have said forever. But after a while our lives took different paths and we talked less and less. Not because we had any animosity or a falling out, life just happened. One day they moved and that was that.

There was another dear friend who I suppose would be classified as only an acquaintance by a casual observer. I saw this person every week and only for an hour at that. We never talked about anything of substance; in fact we didn't talk much at all. We were simple glad to see each other and that was that. This friendship lasted for maybe ten years until they passed away, but I still think of my friend and whenever I do that memory makes my heart sing.

I have other friends who have known me either all my life or very close to it. We drift in and out of contact but always seem to circle back and it is like no time has passed at all. I treasure those friendships.
I have new friends who I feel I have known forever. I feel as comfortable with them as with family and they have only known me for a minute or less. I treasure those friendships as well and can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Friendship is a funny and multifaceted thing. Much like autumn leaves they can take on many hues and colors. They can last like a leaf preserved between the pages of a book or they can fall and blow away like a leaf on the wind. For each of these friendships I am extremely grateful. They have had a part in shaping who I am and I know they will continue to shape who I will be.

So while my Octobers may be full of bats and pumpkins, monsters and mayhem, it is also full of friends. Friends who like me despite my proclivity for pumpkins. Friends who read these lengthy October letters and keep coming back for more. Friends for dark days and light days. Friends for the long haul and friends for the minute. If you count yourself as one of my friends, thank you. I cherish you and the joy that you bring to my life. Whether we are near or far from each other, whether we have seen each other ten minutes ago or ten years ago, you are not forgotten. You are my friend and there is a special place in my heart that belongs only to you.

If you aren't my friend, but still are reading these words, then perhaps one day we will be. Mayhaps you are simply a friend that I haven't met yet, in which case, I am already very excited to meet you.So, take a minute today to think over your friends, past, present and possible future. Give thanks for them and what they have brought and what they will bring to your life. You won't be sorry, I promise.

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