Thursday, October 17, 2019

Day 17: Dressing It UP

I am not a girlyl girl. I don't like dresses and I’m not overly fond of skirts, though they are growing on me. I will take an action film over a romance any day. I can't use make up in a convincing fashion and my only hair styles are up, down or in a hat. That said, I LOVE to play dress up, or as I like to call it, make believe. Some little girls wanted to be a princess when they were growing up. I wanted to be a pirate...or Indiana Jones. My heroes were Mr. T, Hulk Hogan, Batman and Fragles. My poor mother had to be on constant alert lest I attempt to tear my shirt down the middle whilst shouting "I pity the fool."
When I was growing up, there weren't very many worthwhile costumes for girls. I could either be Barbie (too much pink), Strawberry Shortcake (too frilly), a princess (ugh yuck no), or a ballerina (too much like a princess). What I really wanted to be, they never had costumes for. No Neverending Story (and how does one dress up like the Nothing anyway). No Dark Crystal (ask for a Gelfling costume and people look at you funny). Mom wasn't really into me being a Ninja Turtle, so for years I settled for being a really hideous clown. I am ashamed to even admit it. I hated that costume. I still do in fact. I think I inherited it from my older cousin. It was itchy, came with a truly vile mask that I really couldn't see out of and it made my face sweat.
I don't remember what happened to the costume. I'd like to say I took it out back one dark evening and buried it, but it probably got donated to Goodwill. Poor kids. I pity the fool. The hideous clown was replaced by a leopard unitard that came with a snap on head piece and already affixed tail. It was my favorite costume of my childhood. Mostly because I had a tail to twirl and the fact that I felt compelled to make the cutest growling noises known to man while wearing the costume. I did it so much in fact that dad had to threaten to take my candy away to make me stop. It was no use telling him that the suit was making me do it. I wore that costume until I couldn't squeeze into it anymore. At some point my head got too big for the hood and the leggings that used to go to my ankles started to reside somewhere past my knees. It was a good run and a great costume. Plus I really enjoyed having whiskers drawn on with eyebrow pencil.
Costumery in our house was pretty low key until I started going to college. Then I could choose my own costume. My favorite college costume was Queen Amidala from Star Wars. I did the full make up and everything. I looked so convincing in fact that at my part time job (where they encouraged us to wear costumes on the day) little kids kept coming up to me to get their picture taken. It was a blast. 
I love costumes. I love that now there are so many more things to choose from, in a way. But it is still hard finding things to my exacting specifications. For years I have wanted to be Charlie Chaplin, but I can't quite find the right bits. One can't simply stick on dark pants, a hat and a fake mustache and call it good. They have to be the right corduroy pants with a black bowler, a rounded cane and big, slightly clownish black shoes.
I also don't like to settle for mainstream. Why be Katniss Everdeen when I can go as Charlotte from Making Fiends. I like elaborate or quirky, or a combination of both. I can't wait to find a good steam punk costume. As soon as Halloween is done and I have had time to appreciate the month, I start searching for next year’s costume. Sometimes I buy two or three out of season just so I have options if it comes down to the wire and I still haven't found "the one"?
But why do I like costumes so much? I think it is because I live more in my imagination than most people. Getting to wear a costume is a way to express that after a fashion. How cool to suspend disbelief for just one night and pretend you really can fly, because you are Peter Pan or Tinker Bell. For one night you can be a princess if you want (ugh yuck). You can be a mummy without the nasty side effects of being dead for years. You can be a dashing pirate or a super hero. You can walk around shouting "I'm Batman" and people will only think you are a little crazy.

In one of my favorite TV shows, the characters dress up for Halloween and due to a little magic snafu, find themselves stuck as their costume for the night. When picking a costume I always have that idea floating around the back of my head. Sure, I want to be a Twister game board. How funny. But what happens if I get stuck this way?  It is an interesting idea to think of. Maybe this year I will go as rain. Not quite sure how to pull that concept off. Maybe paint myself blue and stick clear beads all over to show moisture.

Whatever I choose to be, I know I will have fun doing it. What is your favorite costume past, present or future?

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