Thursday, October 31, 2019


Well, it’s finally here, the big day. The day we have been working toward all month. Hopefully pumpkins have been carved, candy stocked, and costumes planned. I was getting last minute candy on Monday and there were many, MANY people in the aisles with cranky children asking them what they wanted to be for Halloween. Last week there were options galore, this week there are T-shirts and onesies. It will be an interesting Halloween for some people. If they were really creative children they would pick a unicorn horn and tail, with panda paws, a cape (with a hole for the really cool tail), tiara, maybe a harlequin mask, a tutu, wacky patterned leggings and sparkly shoes. Ok, maybe the mask and cape are a bit much, but it would be kinda cool to make a totally wacky costume. Oooh, that should totally be a game-show. Contestants are given a set dollar amount and a cart and have to do a supermarket dash type thing but in the slim pickins aisle of the costume department. The person with the most creative costume wins. The only criteria is that it can’t look like anything we would recognize. Oooh, I’m trademarking this. I will make millions……or at least hundreds……maybe just enough to get me next year’s costume.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed the wonderful month of October. I hope you have drank or eaten your body weight in pumpkin spiced things. I hope you visited a corn maze or three. I hope you have fun plans for the evening or day or both. I hope these rambling have broadened your October horizons and given you some joy along the way. If not, I hope they made you seem saner in comparison to me ;) I have a host of plans for the day. Main plans, back up plans, plans for if those plans take a detour. I know at the end of the night, this Cinderella will kick off her glass slippers, find an easy chair and put her feet up. I will listen to my spooky Sounds of Halloween tape one last time before bed and then drift off to sweet candy corn colored dreams. In the morning will come the bleak November, but perhaps some of the bright lights and sweet treats from October will linger.

Happy Halloween everyone! Till next year.

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