Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Day 30: Family Fun Night

I am in full blown “October is almost over” panic. There are still so many things that I want to do before the month ends and I know I’m not going to make it. But that is ok, mostly. October is a no fault month. Besides, if I can't do it in 31 days, then I will just appropriate some of November for other October related purposes. Ah, now I feel better. Finally, November is good for something.
Last weekend it seemed, many people decided to have their Halloween fun early. I saw people in costume, read about people in costume, and heard about people in costume. So many parties and gatherings were going on before the big day. I hope they save some of the merrymaking for actual Halloween.
Parties are one of my favorite things about October. Scary movie nights, costume parties, harvest parties at school, pumpkin carving parties, trick or treat sleep overs, and the best of all, Family Fun Night.
Family Fun Night was the best day of the school year for me. Even better than the first day, and that is saying something. For years I thought the event was indigenous only to my school, but since then I have found out otherwise. For one night, our gym and surrounding classrooms would be turned into an October wonderland. Rooms that were dedicated to learning, morphed into photo studios, game booths and face painting way stations. The library turned into the cafeteria and the halls were filled with excited children who had parents in tow.
But the gym, the gym was amazing. Professional looking carnival booths lined every wall and took up any available floor space. And for the most part, the floor plan didn't change from year to year. The fish pond was always on the right back corner near the cake walk stairs. The cake walk was always on the stage. The ticket booth was always out of the gym teacher’s office. The rope climb with its big spongy mat was always in front of the cake walk in the middle of the room and the cotton candy was always out the right side gym doors turning the entryway into a shiny sugary mess.
Once I entered the building I didn't see my parents again until I either needed more tickets, had to drop off prizes because my hands were full, or needed food. Sometimes I saw them at one of the booths playing games, but really, I can’t tell you what they did with their time other than hold my winnings and keep the cafeteria chairs warm. It was pretty much a given that I would win 3 or 4 baked goods of some kind and bring home a fish or two that wouldn't last till morning. At some point during the night I would have the little kid melt down of NO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YET, and the begging and pleading of just one more booth would begin. Eventually, after a few years, my parents got wise and curtailed my cake walk participation. No more walk after two wins, and I was forbidden to play the fish game, which really was fine with me. Perpetually dead fish are not all that much fun.
Now that I have had the opportunity to plan my own Family Fun Night, I realize how much work went into making things look how they did and run so smoothly. I wish that I could have a time machine to go back and appreciate with new eyes all that was going on. But maybe not, maybe I am content to just let it live in my imagination with all the sparkle and wonder that an elementary school child can conceive.
I still have mementos from those wonderful days. They make me smile every time I see them. Instantly I am transported back to a waffle floored gym and the sounds of merrymaking on a cold October night. I wish everyone could have such a wonderful experience. I wouldn't trade those memories for the world.

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